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Founder Mehalah Beckett is on a mission to transform a million lives. This requires powerful leadership and she can't do it alone. An energetic changemaker with a background advising on sustainable and inclusive economic development and a track record turning around businesses and leading large teams, she is coach, mentor, consultant, trusted advisor and strategic thinking partner to leaders and organisations on a mission for social impact.

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Hi, I'm Mehalah

I'm known for my boundless, infectious positive energy; for consistently taking brave (stupid?) courageous action; and for my courageous, compassionate leadership.


I'm prone to workaholic tendencies, get bored and restless easily and have a pleaser in me that tries to bring everyone (and their cat) with me. I work on these traits daily alongside my clients, who, drawn to me, struggle with the same dark sides to their strengths.


When I'm not on zoom, you'll find me exploring my new hood as a digital nomad, sweating it out in the gym, walking in nature, or out dancing til' the wee hours with friends. My energy's gotta go somewhere.  


I'm passionate about sustainable, inclusive growth and development - this has been the golden thread throughout my professional life. I believe everyone, no matter where or how they were born, has a right to achieve their true potential and can do so in harmony with themselves, other people and the planet.  


My mission is to transform a million lives. As a consultant, civil servant, and diplomat I contributed to this. As a leader of four businesses across the African Continent, my direct power over the goal was much greater.


Imagine, I thought, what impact 1,000 leaders could have if they're supported to reach their impossible goals, in terms of income, influence and impact. And there the idea for Lead Powerful Impact was born. 


If you're a leader who shares my mission, get in touch, we should talk.




What got me here?

Dream #1 to be a high-flying international businesswoman, took me to a big corporate as a Financial Analyst. A great professional start but I soon realised there must be more to life. Stressed, overworked, and disillusioned I took time out to travel South America where I saw the opportunity to use my economics degree for greater good. 


Dream #2 to fight poverty and inequality had me specialise as a Development Economist and a decade working in International Development with the British and African Governments, most recently as the British Economist to Somalia - a fascinating role - but I knew I had the potential to do so much more, even if it meant taking a courageous jump out of the sector.


Dream #3 to showcase business as a force for good had me working for my favourite adventure travel company, heading up its Sub-Saharan Africa portfolio. That intersection of my passions, for business, travel and sustainable development ignited the fire in me that made it fun and easy to lead my team and together we used travel as a genuine force for sustainable development across the region.


Dream #4 is to exponentially accelerate that impact by transforming a million lives by supporting 1,000 leaders on a mission to reach impossible goals for income, influence and impact.


What’s your next dream?


What courageous action can I help you take that will inspire a movement?



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“Mehalah has a gift to make you see things you would not see otherwise and simplify what seems to be complex. Our coaching sessions were an incredible opportunity for me to be heard as well as to look at things through different lenses. I felt safe to share my vision and challenges, question my beliefs and search for solutions within me. Mehalah helped me to stop deflecting my achievements and start leveraging my gifts to understand where I want to go and start taking action on it."


Inna Pearce / CEO / UBB

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