Positive Intelligence
Positive Intelligence (PQ) is a measure of mental fitness - your capacity to respond to life's challenges with a positive rather than a negative mindset. Improve your Positive Intelligence and you will improve your performance, happiness and relationships. What are you waiting for?
What is Positive Intelligence?
Positive Intelligence is your ability to respond to life’s challenges with a positive rather than negative mindset to increase your levels of performance and happiness.
Your Positive Intelligence Quotient (PQ) has been found to be the best predictor of how happy you are and how well you perform relative to your potential. It measures the relative strength of your positive mental muscles (Sage) versus the negative (Saboteur) i.e. how much time your thoughts are serving you positively, versus negatively.
Positive Intelligence is a technique to build positive mental muscle by (1) intercepting your negative saboteurs (2) building self-command to run your brain (not let it run you) and (3) take clear, laser-focused positive action in any situation.
Take the free self-assessments to find out your Saboteurs and PQ score, then attend my free webinar to learn how to start to apply this incredible technique to improve lasting performance and happiness.
Sign up to my newsletter 'Insights4Impact' to be notified of the next PQ Webinar
Introducing the PQ Program
Designed like a mental fitness bootcamp, the Positive Intelligence (PQ) Program is a blended learning journey that gives you the insights, motivation, accountability and structure to build your mental muscle by practicing 15 minutes per day for 6 weeks.
The program combines weekly videos from PQ creator Shirzad Chamine and weekly LIVE group coaching sessions with Mehalah alongside daily app-guided practices to boost your 3 core mental fitness muscles.
Mehalah runs the PQ program for five people at a time every six weeks. To be notified of the next available course, click below to receive updates in the monthly 'Insights4Impact' newsletter.
Who’s it for?
Anyone who is ready to exponentially improve their performance and happiness. We all want this on some level. Question is whether you are ready to invest in yourself to realise it?
What will I achieve as a result?
Enhanced performance with a true sense of peace and happiness.
What can I expect?
A whole new way of being that allows you to effortlessly turn every situation, environment, outcome, no matter how 'bad' into an opportunity or gift. A way of being that see's negative emotions like stress, anxiety, guilt and anger be nothing but fleeting emotions that you quickly bring yourself out of to respond positively. What could be possible with this way of being?
What's included in the programme?
It's six weeks of learning and practical action. You'll watch a weekly video lesson between Saturday and Monday.​ Meet with Mehalah and fellow group members each Monday (1pm BST) for group coaching to cement the weekly learning. ​From Tuesday through Friday, you access the PQ App with daily challenges to practice strengthening your mental muscle.​ Get daily support from your coach and peer group in the community section of the app, and daily access to the mental fitness gym.
How often will we meet?
We'll meet weekly for six weeks on Mondays at either 1pm or 6pm.
Over what period?
Six weeks.
What’s the required investment in myself or my business?
£695/£495 General Public / Community members signed up to Insights 4 Impact.
How can I sign up?
Sign up and pay on the Eventbrite event page.
I'd love support but I'd rather get 1-2-1 support from you
Check out my 1-2-1 Coaching Programme.
How can I get more information on what support is best for me?
Book a call with Mehalah to talk through what support would be best to accelerate your impact in the world.
What do people say about this programme?
See the testimonials below
What problem were you looking to solve with the PQ Programme?
I came to the program because I had a lot of stress in my job. I wasn't really focusing on the Strategic issues that I needed to look at and needed a way of rising above that and becoming a better leader.
What would you say to someone considering the Programme?
You have to do it. Think you will not have time? That it's not worth it and that you won't get the benefit? I can say that you 100% will and it's just amazing in terms of changing your perceptions with huge benefits on your life, work, health - everything.