I believe so strongly in equality of opportunity - that everyone should have the same opportunity to reach their potential no matter where they’re born - that I devoted my professional life to improve people's access to possibilities in countries such as Malawi, Kenya and Somalia. This is my big Mission in life, and it’s driven me throughout my career in academia, public and private sectors and now as an entrepreneur.
I have a related, more personal mission too. Yes there are millions in Sub-Saharan Africa and beyond who are struggling to realise their full potential. But there are a lot of people with the same plight in the UK, US, Australia and beyond.
I am one of them. When I look back on the times I’ve made great leaps in my professional life, it has always coincided with someone believing in me, positively reinforcing my own self-belief.
When I have stagnated in life, it's when I’ve had to solely rely on my self-belief, which may have started high, but over time, without that positive reinforcement from someone else, has eroded right down by my internal voices of self-doubt.
The power of belief. Without it nothing is possible, with it, anything is possible. I have seen this time and time again in my own personal story, in the individuals I’ve led and managed, and in the clients I now work with. Supporting them to build their self-belief, and belief in others - in their team members, family and community - and see them accelerate their positive impact in the world, energises me and fills me up.
What’s your mission? Let me know.
Interested in getting support defining or realising you mission in life? get in touch today and we’ll explore it together.
Mehalah Beckett is a consultant, coach and trusted advisor passionate about people, the planet and empowering others to inspire positive change. She coaches purpose-driven leaders to impossible goals, hosts Masterminds for hungry entrepreneurs and guides businesses through B-Corp. What can I help you achieve in 2021?