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Celebrating Sulaiman Khan - Daringly integrating Disability.

Mehalah Beckett

Image description: Sulaiman R. Khan and Mehalah Beckett pose joyfully at their first IN PERSON coaching session in December 2021 - in festive red and green outfits they are the perfect collab!

An essential job as a leader is to celebrate—and elevate—your people.

That’s true if you’re the CEO of a large organisation, or a solopreneur with a community of clients and collaborators.

I coach leaders on a mission for social and environmental impact. In this blog series I celebrate clients making extraordinary contributions to the world.

Today I celebrate Sulaiman R. Khan who is daringly integrating disability.

Who is Sulaiman R.Khan?


A Regenerative Business and Regenerative Leadership Practitioner, Sulaiman uses his intersectional, Anti-Ableist, and Disability Justice lens, as Founder and Chief Purpose Officer of ThisAbility Limited, a Disability (and Person Of Colour)-led justice business.

ThisAbility helps socially conscious organisations focused on regeneration (beyond sustainability), technology, or design to diversify by going from Ableism to Disability Justice and integrating Disability Culture. The igniter of hearts creatively, a South Asian Disabled wheelchair user adventurer, a multiple award-winner, he loves to create relationships, stories, and joy.

Why celebrate him?

As an educator, activist, advisor and beautiful fellow human, Sulaiman brings his lived experience, genius mind and expansive presence to our 1-2-1 sessions and Unconventional Leaders Community. He bravely shows up as his true whole-hearted and unapologetic self, to educate and ignite, challenging the status quo and move us all forward towards a more regenerative, integrated, and interdependent existence. Together we are co-creating possibilities for a better world, and the world is better off just because of his existence.

Why reach out to him?

If you’re a socially conscious organisation focused on regeneration (beyond sustainability), technology, or design and want to diversify by going from Ableism to Disability Justice and integrating Disability Culture, find out more at and see for yourself why having Sulaiman on your team is worth celebrating!

Want to be challenged, championed and celebrated?

You're a leader on a mission for social or environmental impact. You want to scale your income, influence and impact - sustainably. As your coach, I've got your back. I'll challenge your thinking, champion your ideas and celebrate your next level of success. What are you waiting for? Get in touch for a chat.

Mehalah Beckett is a consultant, coach and trusted advisor passionate about people, the planet and empowering others to inspire positive change. She coaches purpose-driven leaders to impossible goals, hosts Masterminds for hungry entrepreneurs and guides businesses through B-Corp. What can I help you achieve over the next year?

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