Part 1: Beyond Ego
Would you like to be really happy and love your life?
I would, so I signed up to a year-long course to really embed the feeling….
It has five parts, and as I always understand better once I’ve taught it, I’ll be doing five webinars this year to fill you in on my insights and takeaways…
Last weekend was Part 1: Beyond Ego
Here’s three takeaways to get us started…as a warm-up and teaser to come and learn more on February's webinar.
We are made of happiness
We were born happy/content (however you want to describe it), it’s our natural state and it’s a feeling. Happiness therefore is not something you need to find, earn, or deserve, you just need to stop forgetting it’s there, underneath all the thought, noise and emotions that come and go on top of it.
This is our life – now!
Do you love your life RIGHT now? In this very moment? Not did you love the story you tell about your childhood or career, or the story you’re scaring yourself about tomorrow’s deadlines. How is it now? Can you love it? Are you alive? Present? Are you living it?
Drop the ego
When we drop the ego i.e. our self-image – the idea of how we should be, of how we want others to see us, and be ourselves, who are made of love and happiness (see 1), we are so much nicer, so much less caught up in our stories (see 2) , much more peaceful, more connected to our own happiness, and much more easily connected with others.
Do you think it’s even possible to be really happy and love your life?
There are at least three reasons we give for not being:
If I was different, maybe then I could be really happy and love my life e.g. when I have more money, more time, a better job, when I’m thinner, know what I want…then I could be really happy and love my life!
I’m good, but others need to be different for me to be happy e.g. if my boyfriend was less grumpy, if my boss was less stressed, if my partner had less anxiety, if my friend was less needy…then I could be really happy and love my life!
If things out there in the world were different e.g. if the war finally ends, when the current president moves on, when the economy turns around, when climate change abates…then I could be really happy and love my life!
So what is it for you?
What reasons are you giving for why you can’t be really happy and love your life, and would you be open to the possibility that happiness and loving your life is ALWAYS available to you, because it’s WHO YOU ARE.
If you’re open to exploring more about this, come along to February’s Webinar or book a call to talk it over 1-2-1, I’ve got your back, and your every happiness is just here.
Happily Yours,